@Chook, are you referring to this thread? I can't find the poster in question's step-by-step challenge. Do you remember the one I'm thinking of???
hey guys,.
i've been trying hard to locate a comment that was posted no longer than a few weeks ago (if that) by a poster providing a challenge for witnesses to find one scripture that states that we are still saved/have hope if we are outside of this "new covenant" that wt claims is for the 144,000 only.
the thread was to do with ways we can wake up a loved one and this particular poster (i can't remember who) gave a step-by-step guide to helping witnesses waking up using their own bible and doctrine.
@Chook, are you referring to this thread? I can't find the poster in question's step-by-step challenge. Do you remember the one I'm thinking of???
hey guys,.
i've been trying hard to locate a comment that was posted no longer than a few weeks ago (if that) by a poster providing a challenge for witnesses to find one scripture that states that we are still saved/have hope if we are outside of this "new covenant" that wt claims is for the 144,000 only.
the thread was to do with ways we can wake up a loved one and this particular poster (i can't remember who) gave a step-by-step guide to helping witnesses waking up using their own bible and doctrine.
Hey guys,
I've been trying hard to locate a comment that was posted no longer than a few weeks ago (if that) by a poster providing a challenge for Witnesses to find one scripture that states that we are still saved/have hope if we are outside of this "New Covenant" that WT claims is for the 144,000 only. The thread was to do with ways we can wake up a loved one and this particular poster (I can't remember who) gave a step-by-step guide to helping Witnesses waking up using their own Bible and doctrine. I'm dying to find this comment, so if anyone remembers and could provide me with the link, that would be much appreciated. All I remember is @Chook saying something like, "unfortunately, current JWs aren't really that cluey about doctrinal matters and usually their only hope of waking up will be if they experience some sort of personal injustice, wrong-doing in the organization," or something in that vain. Many others chimed in with a similar sentiment.
Please help!!
if you've been following my posts here, i am physically in and mentally out.
it's so hard because i wish that my family could wake up just as easily as i did.
the other day i had a conversation with a relative regarding whether they have come to terms with their own mortality and they replied that they try not to think about it too much but also said that it's possible that armageddon would even happen long after they are gone, which i thought was a very interesting thought.. maybe it's just me, but i feel like what made me wake up easily was that i've always had little doubts here and there but this was stuff like me being unable to grasp the concept of how one could be anointed and how would you know if you were.
@Giordano According to Eric Hoffer, "The atheist is a religious person. He believes in atheism as though it were a new religion.” [The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements].
I don't know... I'm kind of with Penn Jillette when he says "athiesm is a religion in the same way not collecting stamps is a hobby."
though bible made prophecies about “wars and rumors of war, famines and earthquakes, and persecution, hatred …” as signs of “last days” (mathew 24:6-11) which are neither specific nor extra-ordinary given the history of such events, it failed to foresee the positive development such as communication revolution (e.g.
tv, internet, mobile phone …) which is also favorable to preaching activity—the whole world can be preached to within a matter of hours.
[bible writers thought it would take at least 21 centuries for the whole world to be preached to.—mathew 24:14].
Oh, but the Bible DID predict technological and industrial revolutions. Didn't Rutherford divinely interpret the Leviathan of Job chapter four to be a steam locomotive??? Marvelous. Just marvelous insight given of the future by this ancient Hebrew gang of goat herders. How did they know?
God. That's how.
New light: The forbidden fruit eaten by Eve was actually a miniature spicy tuna roll foreshadowing the warmer waters of the 21st century that cause fish to shrink in size.
what an arrogant thing to say.. "you shouldn't complain about us knocking on your door.
you should worry when we stop.".
wish i had a snappy response to shove up their pompous ass every time i hear a jw spew this..
"If I ever start to worry, I'll hit you guys up for your lifelong prescription to Prozac, Xanax and Valium."
I'm surprised WT hasn't bought shares in these pharmaceutical companies due to all the depressive, medicated masses they've created. Bunch of highly strung mental patients.
warning - vent ahead....... so, my father (still very much in jw but who has at least had the decency to still keep in contact with me and hubby and to show interest in why we aren't attending and respect where we are at) is in intensive care at a local hospital and is intubated and sedated with some serious health issues.
i'm next of kin so i get all the phone calls from the hospital.. so, the rest of the "family" has cut me off because we are inactive and because the ever-active jw gossip grapevine has rumoured with a sibilant slithy hissy voice: "apossstassssy" is the cause of our inactivity.. whatever.. but now i've had to contact said "family" with the news about my father and what is going on....... so, dad's sisters answer my calls and manage to act and conduct themselves with a degree of decorum.. my sister on the other hand - well, she doesn't deign to answer my calls and texts for most of the day.
i push the issue tonight and insist on speaking to her when my brother-in-law answers the call.
And we have a diabolical organization to thank for that. One that masquerades the promotion of "happy family life". I'd say that's more grotesque than Christendom's apparent mockery of "true worship". Hey WT - why you always frontin'?
ok, this is from 2006. but someone on reddit mentioned it and posted a link.
my word, the micro-management and unnecessary lengths they go to to control:.
@darkspilver: " an attempt to justify viewing pornography."
Well, maybe if the Society didn't instill such deep-seated guilt complexes involving such private matters, people won't have to play this mental gymnastics game of having to "justify" their personal habits. For goodness sake.
this is a fascinating study of how our modern apples evolved.
the study involved examining the genomes of the array of apple varieties, including related types of fruit.. from it we can learn that the fruit types we know today, may not have existed in ancient times.
from its origins in what we now call kazakhstan, it seems the original fruit changed as trees grew in many places along the great ancient network of trade routes we call the silk road, and as different varieties evolved in various ways.. a readable version of the story can be found in popular archaeology:.
@stuckinarut2 Lmao. Now open wide and take a big byte!
Hey, Governing Bawdy...
just curious but how do the people off this forum find reddit.
for myself i find reddit to be sadly lacking in the jw world.
i just don't find the depth there e.g one sentence replies, trying to be funny.
@hothabanero Why do so many people take issue with John Cedars? A lot of activists seem to detest him. Is it the atheism thing? Or the fact that he's against the Russia ban? Shed some light, please.